Uses of the Verb To Do

The verb to "do" is used in many different ways in English. Here are the main uses of the verb to do for reference, self-study and in-class use. To do can be used as an auxiliary verb, a verb to speak about action in general, as well as combining with many nouns to express taking care of various tasks.

To do is generally used to express tasks we do, rather than things we make. Here are some of the main set phrases about tasks we do:
         do business
         do exercise
         do homework
Example :
     I'll do my homework.

HOW to Improve Your Vocabulary Daily

Do you find it difficult to remember new words in English?

English has the largest vocabulary of any language in the world. Whether you are a beginner or an advanced speaker of English, you are always growing your vocabulary.  Always encountering tons of new words. And new ways to say words that you already know.

The richer your vocabulary, the more fluently you can speak the language, so you should be learning new words every day.

But when you don’t live in an English speaking country you don’t have nearly as many opportunities to expand your vocabulary in your everyday life. You must create these opportunities for yourself.

These nine suggestions, when practiced together every day, will help you to greatly increase your English speaking capabilities, whether you’ve just started speaking English, or even if you’re fluent in it as your second language:

1. Keep a word journal
2 Real Life English Daily Expressions
3 Word of the Day
4TV Shows
6Speaking to other English speakers
7. Anki
8 .Other Lifestyle English tools
9. RLE’s newsletter